私どもは茶どころ静岡の片田舎にあって先祖代々、自然の味と香りをお伝えしたいという一心から、熱心な生産農家さんと一緒においしいお茶づくりに精を出してまいりました。規模を追い求めるのではなく、 品質にこだわった丁寧な茶づくりが自慢でございます。四代に渡って茶専門店様への卸売りやOEMを承っております。また、 近年は、海外の皆様にも日本茶の素晴らしさをお伝えしたいと思い、有機JAS認証を取得し、輸出向け商品の開発にも力を注いでおります。
Green tea
Marukyu tea has a great cooperation with dedicated tea farmers. Marukyu’s tea factory is located in Shizuoka, near Mt. Fuji. This is the Japan’s No. 1 tea production area because of excellent climate for tea. Marukyu did the special roasting.
Organic Green tea
This tea was grown at the highland area surrounded by the forest which is the best for the organic farming. The area has beautiful morning mist and temperature gap in the morning and evening is significant to make tea great scent and Umami taste. The group of farms work together to produce those great tea. Marukyu did the special roasting.